Friday 16 December 2011

Poster Idea

After filming on Tuesday, Beth left a bloody hand print on my window.

I have decided that I am going to scan in an image of a bloody hand print and use it as the poster.


After planning to film, the cast and I filmed at my house on Tuesday.

Unfortunately, due to the time it gets dark at this time of the year I had to change the location to my back garden in order to have enough light with which to film.
I have a floodlight in my back garden which made the footage look as though it was still night time, but you can still see.

I still have to create a new storyboard for the changes I have made.

Beths costume

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Zoeys Outfit

Over the weekend I decided to make Zoeys outfit. I made a bottle of fake blood out of cornflour, red and green food colouring and coffee.

I then splatted the white shirt with the fake blood.


Thursday 8 December 2011


I have decided to use 4 people to conduct the seance. This is because when I looked up seances online the instructions said that it was advisable to use multiples of 3 people as 3 is the magic number.

The reason the seance goes wrong and Zoey comes back evil is because her friends used the wrong number of people to try and bring her back.


I have arranged to begin filming my trailer next Tuesday after school.

Laura starts work at 6pm, which won't be a problem, as I will be filming between 3.30 and 4.30, and by the time she needs to leave it will be too dark to film.

Maddi and Beth are planning to ped to my house to film, and Laura will drive me, Caryn, Lizzie and herself.

I am going to write a letter to my neighbors to let them know I will be filming on Tuesday, so any children don't get scared of Beths zombie-like appearance.

Monday 5 December 2011


Laura Jolley

Caryn Meyer & Maddi Mears

Lizzie Neal

Bethany Carter

Thursday 1 December 2011

Zoeys Costume

I am going to dress Zoey in a long white shirt like the one pictured above. This is because the white is typically assoociated with purity and goodness, which Zoey most definately isn't when she comes back. She is also going to wear dark skinny jeans ahd have bare feet.

As I am planning to make Zoey's shirt look blood stained and dirty I have researched the best fake bloods that are available for an affordable price. one of the best is Mehron Stage Blood, which is only £5.99 and available on Amazon. Alternatively, could make blood using this recipe.

Friday 25 November 2011

Location Pictures

Above are two location photos St Peters Church in Sible Hedingham. I am going to be using this location in the first few shots of my trailer.

As it is very close to my school it is easy to get to, and there are parking spaces close by which will make it easy to get the equipment to and from school.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Hope There's Someone

I have made a music video of Zoey and her friends to put on my website when I make it.

Social Networking

I have decided to link my coursework to a variety of different social medias.


I am going to link each of these to my website.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Funeral Bell

After much searching I have found the church bell I am going to use in my Teaser Trailer.

Possible Locations

There are two different locations near my house which I think would work well for the scenes where Zoeys friends are performing the seance.

The first location is in the fields behind my house. As it is a secluded area it would work well for these scenes as Zoeys friends would not want to be disturbed. 

The second possible location is the green outside my house. The only problem with this location is that it is very close to houses and there is a chance people may come out to see what we are doing. I could easily avoid this by informing my neighbours that I am planning to film so they don't disturb me. This is a better location as it is literally a few steps from my house, whereas the other location is a good 15 minute walk, and would be difficult with all the equipment and in the dark.

As I really like both the possible locations, I might film the scenes at both places and decide before editing which one I think works better.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Possible Trailer Music Part II

Another option for the trailer music is using an instrumental version of a song. This would work well as it would now draw focus from what is happening in the scene like the lyrics of a song might.

One option is the piano version of Birdys cover of the Bon Iver song "Skinny Love". This would work well as the song is slow and beautiful.

Another option is the piano version of "Down" by Jason Walker

Alternatively, I could use the piano version of "9 Crimes" by Damien Rice.

Another option is the piano version of "California King Bed" by Rihanna.

Finally, the piano cover of "Ave Maria" by Beyonce would also be a good choice, as it is slow and is a popular choice for funerals.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Possible Trailer Music

I am planning to use two different pieces of music in my teaser trailer.

There are a few possible choices for the funeral scenes, which take up about 30% of the final piece.

As soon as I heard this song I thought it would be a brilliant choice for my trailer, as it is slow and has sad lyrics, such as;
My love, leave yourself behind
Beat inside me, leave you blind
My love, you have found peace
You were searching for release

This song was used in a funeral scene in the TV show, "The Vampire Diaries", which i thought worked really well and gave the scene the right atmosphere.

As this song was written after the death of the artists Grandfather, it is a good option to use in my film.

The sound of the piano and the tone of the artists voice make this song sound sad and reminiscent, which would suit a funeral well.

The Finished Storyboard!


Example of a completed questionnaire

Tuesday 8 November 2011

The finished look!

After an hour my friend and I completed the Zombie look on the actress who is playing Zoey, Bethany Carter.

Video below.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Practising Zoeys Makeup

i am planning to practice the zombie makeup for Zoey after school today, I am going to video record and take pictures of what I do in order to post them on here.

I have watched a number of tutorials on youtube to teach myself how to properly complete this look, and will be using some of the tips I have found to make Zoeys makeup look as realistic as possible.

Saturday 15 October 2011

Graces Makeover

Due to the fact that I am planning to film after half term, I have begun in depth planning of my trailer, poster and website.

I have practiced Zoeys makeup on my sister, and I am very happy with the way it has turned out.


  What I used:

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Character Inspiration - The Fades

I have begun to plan my film trailer. After watching a new BBC 3 show called 'The Fades' I have decided that I would like to create a teaser trailer for a horror/thriller film.

I am going to use my friends as the cast and although I haven't yet decided on the storyboard or on all of the characters, I know I want one character to be a zombie. Although I had this idea before watching 'The Fades', after watching it I have a good idea of exactly what I want this character to look like.

It will be easy for me to replicate this look. I have a friend who is a talented actress and will be able to play the part of a zombie very well. I will also be able to replicate her makeup easily too, as all I will need to do is use a sponge to apply a grey/brown eyeshadow around the eye socket as well as some other areas in her face to make her look dirty. It will be easy to make her hair look straggly by using hairspray and mousse.

Bethany Carter
The above picture is the girl I intend to cast in my trailer as the zombie. She is a very good actress and will make my film seem more realistic. I am going to do her hair and makeup like the girl from 'The Fades'.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Sucker Punch

Like the two other websites I have looked at, the website for the 2011 movie "Sucker Punch" links to many different pages related to the movie.

Like the other websites I have looked at, "Sucker Punch" includes videos, movie stills, information about the film and links to both Facebook and Twitter.

Unlike the other websites, the "Sucker Punch" website contains many interactive activities for the consumer to enjoy. The consumer has the option to create their own trailer, video clip or desktop wallpaper. Activities like these make the film itself more personal to the consumer as they feel involved in the production of the movie. These activities make the consumer more likely to see the film in a cinema as they feel more connected to the film.


Wednesday 5 October 2011

Crazy Stupid Love

The website for the 2011 movie "Crazy Stupid Love" is also a good example of a modern movie website because of its links to Facebook and Twitter. Unlike the website for "What's Your Number?" it offers the opportunity to tweet directly from the website, therefore using the consumer as a form of advertising.

This website offers more links than the "What's Your Number?" website does, with posters available for download, the soundtrack available to listen to and even a love quiz. All of these extra features attract the audience as they put them in the mood to watch the film in a cinema.

The website also offers the opportunity to book tickets online as many movie websites do.

In the top right corner of the home page there are many different reviews of the film which change every 30 seconds or so. This is a way of advertising as it makes the film look very well recieved which makes the audience more likely to want to see it.

What's Your Number?

The website fot the 2011 movie "What's Your Number" is a perfect example of a modern film promotion website as it includes many modern features, for example it offers links to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. This is a free form of further advertising the film as it costs them nothing to provide a link. There is also a link to purchase tickets which helps to bring in an audience on a spur of the moment decision after viewing the trailer which pops up immediately after entering the website.

The website also provides links to stills from the film, biographies of the cast, video clips from the film as well as a description of the movie itself. Giving behind the scenes videos, pictures and information involves the audience in the film, and therefore makes them more likely to watch it at the cinema.

Friday 30 September 2011

Harry Potter Film Posters

The final 2 Harry Potter films had multiple posters each, one for each character.
Each films posters followed a certain theme, as you can see below;

Part I

Part II

As you can see, the posters for Part I gave away none of the plot whatsoever, simply showing the faces of the characters, whereas the posters for Part II show the damage and destruction behind the characters. The reason for this is that because the film was presented in two parts they had to do something to draw in audiences for the second part. All the posters show the emotions of the characters and seem very dark and foreboding which shows the theme of the film.

Monday 4 July 2011

Teaser Trailer Examples

Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Teaser Trailer - Unlike a typical teaser trailer this lasts for over 2 minutes. However, because the Harry Potter franchise is so successful, the producers can afford to brerak all the normal rules. This trailer was released 13 months before part 1, and 21 months before part 2.

The Dark Knight Teaser Trailer - This trailer follows the typical conventions of a teaser trailer, as it is only 54 seconds long, and shows no actual footage from the film, only audio.

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Teaser Trailer - Unlike the other POTC teaser trailers, this contains no footage from the film, and was filmed only for the purpose of the trailer. Unlike many other teaser trailers, this is a mintue and a half long.

Up (Pixar) Teaser Trailer - As is the case with most Pixar trailers, this contains no actual footage from the film, instead the footage included has been created entirely for the teaser trailer. Like many teaser trailers, this is under a minute long.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Teaser Trailer Research

  • Teaser trailers typically consist of a series of small, cryptic advertisments before the larger, full-blown campaign for the launch of the film.
  • Unlike theatrical trailers, teaser trailers are usually very short in length (30 - 60 seconds) and contain little if any actual footage from the film. Sometimes a teaser trailer is merely a shortened version of a theatrical trailer.
  • Teaser trailers are a modern form of advertising a film. They have only been widely used in the past few years.
  • Teaser trailers are often made whilst the film is still in production or being edited. As a result theymay feature scenes or alternate versions of scenes that are not in the finished film. Eg. The Twilight teaser trailer contained scenes that didn't make it to the final film. 

Types of Film Trailers

Theatrical Trailer
  • Maximum length of two and a half minutes.
  • Usually cut from the first cut of the picture.
  • Can be cut from all the shot footage if there is no first cut yet.
Teaser Trailer
  • Usually not longer than a minute and a half.
  • Cut from a few takes and scenes while the picture is still being shot.
TV Spot
  • 15, 30 or 60 seconds in length.
  • Usually don't have mush to do with the theatrical trailer.
  • Producesd seperately from the theatrical campaign.
  • Usually use different music from the theatrical trailer
DVD Trailer
  • Usually the same as the regular theatrical trailer, but may contain alternate or rejected scenes.
Internet Trailer
  • Produced exclusively for the internet.
  • May contain music or footage that doesn't appear in the theatrical trailer.

All info found here.

Sunday 26 June 2011

Chosen Brief

A promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with the following two options;
  • a website for the film
  • a poster for the film