Tuesday 28 June 2011

Teaser Trailer Research

  • Teaser trailers typically consist of a series of small, cryptic advertisments before the larger, full-blown campaign for the launch of the film.
  • Unlike theatrical trailers, teaser trailers are usually very short in length (30 - 60 seconds) and contain little if any actual footage from the film. Sometimes a teaser trailer is merely a shortened version of a theatrical trailer.
  • Teaser trailers are a modern form of advertising a film. They have only been widely used in the past few years.
  • Teaser trailers are often made whilst the film is still in production or being edited. As a result theymay feature scenes or alternate versions of scenes that are not in the finished film. Eg. The Twilight teaser trailer contained scenes that didn't make it to the final film. 

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