Wednesday 9 November 2011

Possible Trailer Music

I am planning to use two different pieces of music in my teaser trailer.

There are a few possible choices for the funeral scenes, which take up about 30% of the final piece.

As soon as I heard this song I thought it would be a brilliant choice for my trailer, as it is slow and has sad lyrics, such as;
My love, leave yourself behind
Beat inside me, leave you blind
My love, you have found peace
You were searching for release

This song was used in a funeral scene in the TV show, "The Vampire Diaries", which i thought worked really well and gave the scene the right atmosphere.

As this song was written after the death of the artists Grandfather, it is a good option to use in my film.

The sound of the piano and the tone of the artists voice make this song sound sad and reminiscent, which would suit a funeral well.

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