Sunday 1 April 2012

Presenting my evaluation

I decided to use Wix to create a website to show my evaluation and final products. It can be seen here.

Thursday 29 March 2012


I am currently having a few peoblems completing my evaluation. This is because the website builder I used doesn't work from either of my home computers, or from my local library. Because of this I have been unable to print screen and evaluate my website.

Monday 19 March 2012

Monday 12 March 2012

Final Filming Attempt

Tomorrow evening I am planning to film for what will hopefully be the last time.
The scene will be shot in the alleyway near my house, and will simply be Zoeys death.

Rippers Alley
I chose the above location for a few reasons, firstly it is near to an empty factory and an area of wasteland, which gives it a slightly spooky feel. The walls are also covered in graffiti, making it seem dangerous. It is very dark in the evenings, and the street lamps cast a spooky glow in the area. Finally it is a few minutes walk from both the school and where I live so it is easy to get to.

Wednesday 7 March 2012


After my friend made a billboard for her A2 coursework, I decided to do something similar to advertise my film. I used the website

After seeing the following poster on a bus stop, I decided that that would be the best way to advertise my film.

Tuesday 28 February 2012


For Christmas I got a Gorillapod, this is a tripod which can be attached to any object, eg. a tree branch or a fence. I am considering using this today when I film, I could attach it to a fence in the graveyard or a gravestone.

Monday 27 February 2012


I am planning to film two scenes in my free periods tomorrow.

Scene 1 will be simply a shot of Zoeys friends throwing dirt on her grave, and Scene 2 will be of Zoey and her friends going out, and Zoey getting in to trouble walking home.

Hopefully this will put me back on track in order for me to meet the upcoming deadline.

Thursday 23 February 2012


After attempting to use Dreamweaver to make my website, I decided I would get better results by using a free online website maker.

After doing a google search I found an online website maker named WIX.

It is incredibly easy to use, and completely free to sign up.


Unfortunately, before I had a chance to capture all my footage, someone accidentally recorded over my tape. This means I have to film again.

Because of this, I get the opportunity to change the story line slightly, as the footage I had already captured no longer makes sense.

I will begin filming again this weekend.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Finished Poster


I have finished the design for the poster! I decided to add the 15 certificate image to my poster like they do in real film posters.
I also used similar text similar to that of the Harry Potter film poster at the bottom of the poster. This shows the information about the film.

Monday 9 January 2012


I have chosen the font 'Face Your Fears' from to use in my poster. I chose this because it looks like blood smears and will look striking against a white background but will not pull focus from the hand print.

Poster Draft

This is currently the poster I have created. Although I like the effect, I am going to change the font at the bottom as I think it is too bold. I am also going to change the height of the title, as I think it is too stretched out.

Bloody Hand Print

Over the Christmas Holidays I experimented with different ways of creating bloody hand prints on paper to scan in to the computer.

I eventually decided to simply mix together red and green food colouring to get the desired effect and colour.

As you can see above, the original picture is not as dramatic as it could be, so I decided to edit it using a photo editing website called Picnik.

The new image is far more dramatic and eye catching than the original was, and will work much better as a poster.

I am in the prosess of editing the image by adding text.